We utilize atomically accurate thin film synthesis techniques to rationally design superconducting materials.
Together with in situ ARPES for electronic structures and multiple mesoscopic low-temperature characterizations,
We aim to achieve higher transition temperatures and deeper understandings of the mechanism.
Superconductivity is a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. The microscopic mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity (HTS) is known as the Holy Grail of condensed matter physics.
We believe only technological advances can lead to experimental breakthroughs. We devote to renovate thin film deposition and characterization techniques to push the limits of equipments.
Highlights / 研究亮点
MoreUltrastrong near-neighbor attraction in doped 1D cuprate chains
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Quantitative measurement of interaction energy scales in nickelate superconductors
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Systemaic doping-dependent ARPES measurements of La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films
| 2023-04-15
2D Bose metal induced by superconducting phase fluctuations
| 2023-04-15
News / 新闻